Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Unfettered Dreams

In George Elliot’s “Middlemarch” it emphasizes “People are almost always better than their neighbors think they are”. This could be vice versa.

Most of the times truth is mysterious & delightful than the Myth. Some times its bitterness is unbearable. Some times no choice but to accept.

When I got to know people better, I was shocked. Even disappointed, by its failure to conform my expectations. The look of them makes me sic. Sound of the disturbed me. But, when I got to know them much closer, I feel sorry for them. Then I changed my attitude towards them. But most people around them got inspired by them. I realize people are not bad. It’s the circumstances made them bad. Some forces came & went. Some remained unresolved forever. Some goes ahead ruining everything in its way ahead. When things are discovered I was tempted to reveal. Some times you feel like you are betrayed by your soul mate. Some things inherited from generations to generations. Nothing burst out. Nobody responded.

This is about that controversy. About the justice forgone. About the people I met in my social inter course. & of course to salute the wonderful people who went out of the way to make the world beautiful for others.

My friends Please join with me to share the world you see which is beyond my circle & you are warmly invited for honest & open discussion.

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